Thursday, August 15, 2019

Wuthering Heights

Emily Bronte was the middle woman in the most celebrated nineteenth century literary family. Supplemented by sister Anne and more renowned sibling Charlotte, she had a love for the Yorkshire moors and human passion, which are both reflected in the only novel she compiled in her 29 years – Wuthering Heights. At the time of its release, 1847, this controversial text divided many critics, and still does to this day. Many, me included, do not appreciate its content or intended objectives. Others oppose this viewpoint, stating that it's a masterpiece years, in terms of its originality, beyond the date of its initial publication. One thing does impress me in this carefully woven novel. Just as Francis Ford Coppola did with tremendous success in the Godfather Part II in 1976, Bronte splits the story into two with the future generation mirroring their ancestors, whether it be the characteristics or mistakes they duplicate there is an apparent resemblance between the old and new guard. The conflicting narrators provide both humour and useful insight into the inhabitants of the moors. Lockwood, the voice-over at the beginning, has acquired the tenancy of Thrushcross Grange and decides to introduce himself to his new landlord, Heathcliff. Their meeting takes place at the nearby Wuthering Heights household. Lockwood establishes a long-winded narrative, which suggests he is a well-educated man, but seems to lack direction. This is understandable considering he is placed in unfamiliar surroundings. Nevertheless, his landlord Heathcliff is hostile and unfriendly to Mr. Lockwood, who rather naively believes that their next meeting will drastically improve. Lockwood's second visit seems to be heading in the same direction as his previous one, with Heathcliff's servant Joseph offering no help whatsoever. However, Lockwood's visit vastly improves due to the introduction of Hareton and Catherine. The above point, to a certain extent, condemns the admirers of the book and supports its critics. This is because the story development is regarded as coherent, whereas Lockwood's improved visit is unpredictable and surprising. Lockwood displays, as he did in his original assessment of Heathcliff, poor judgement, mistaking dead rabbits for cats and in attempting to piece together the family history. Heathcliff promptly corrects him. He is invited to stay where he unravels some of the family mystique and endures nightmares as a result. Lockwood, despite being accompanied by Heathcliff to the gate of Thrushcross Grange, loses himself and increases the journey considerably. Lockwood, desperate to know more, asks his new housekeeper, Nelly Dean to enlighten him of Heathcliff's history. It is here where Lockwood hands over the narrative role to Dean. Nelly maintains this capacity for the remainder of the novel, albeit for the concluding three chapters, where Lockwood returns and resumes his role as commentator (symmetry.) The housekeeper is the complete opposite to her employer in terms of style. She uses elementary vocabulary, which is inferior to Lockwood's, but is far more effective as it is direct, relevant and essential in giving accounts of characters and their respective histories. This allows the reader to identify with that particular person and the motives and emotions behind their actions. It's revealed that Mr.Earnshaw, father of Catherine and Hindley, has adopted Heathcliff. Immediately this causes dissension in the Earnshaw ranks and both of Earnshaw's biological children dislike their relation. However, Catherine comes to grow fond of Heathcliff and the pair forge a tight-knit bond. Hindley displays jealousy. Not only has his sister changed her perspective on this outsider but, it appears that he has been displaced as Mr.Earnshaw's preferred son. After the death of his father, Hindley succeeds his father as the main resident at Wuthering Heights with his wife Frances. Catherine and Heathcliff have now established an intimate relationship, which furthers Hindley's disregard for Heathcliff. He, out of spite, degrades him by making him do intensive, boring work and isolate him from his sister by ordering Heathcliff to live with servants. Catherine, as a result of watching the Lintons at Thrushcross Grange, is attacked by guard dogs and her ankle is severely injured and is forced to remain at the Grange momentarily while Heathcliff returns to the Heights. Catherine's tenure at Thrushcross Grange seems to have transformed her into a new person. After regaining full fitness, she returns a smart lady. The example of Catherine's class elevation in just over a month reflects the impact the environment appears to have on the inhabitants. At Thrushcross, the surroundings are beautiful and captivated with fresh air, which is shown in the Lintons. Meanwhile, at Wuthering Heights, the house, located in a particularly rough region, is fading quickly. This has obviously rubbed off on Heathcliff and Hindley, who are possessive and bitter. While Catherine's undoubted love for Heatcliff hasn't diminished in their separation, it, possibly inadvertently, contributes to the eventual termination of their relationship, as she has developed affection for Edgar Linton. Catherine is given an ultimatum: Heathcliff or Edgar. She famously tells Nelly Dean: â€Å"I am Heathcliff.† This comment suggests that her allegiance with Heathcliff is unstoppable as he is a permanent part of her being, but her lust for a higher-class living and sense of security prevails. She chooses Linton. In my opinion, the primary focus of the novel, Catherine and Heathcliff's relationship captures, perhaps unintentionally, Bronte's use of symmetry and contrasts. Catherine, even before her visit to the Grange, is perceived as a warm woman. On the other hand, Heathcliff is a wild savage who attains a hardman reputation. The formation of their friendship and then blossoming romance, installs their partner's quality into them. Catherine livens up and becomes a little wilder while her elegance brings her companion's positive attributes to our attention. Due to his rejection, Heathcliff embarks on a 3-year exile from the moors. Catherine and Edgar marry a further three years down the line and live together in the Grange. Heathcliff decides to return from his absence at this point and proceeds to cause friction within the Grange. Catherine is deleterious upon the return of her true love's return. Coinciding with this, Edgar's sister Isabella becomes besotted with Heathcliff. The feeling is far from mutual, but Heathcliff, whose love is still reserved for Catherine, realises this is an ideal opportunity to spite Edgar. This fuels off arguments among Edgar, Catherine and Isabella. Heathcliff agrees to marry Isabella and her brother disowns her. Heathcliff has accomplished his sole purpose: To divide the Linton family. Volume 2 begins with the declining condition and inevitable death of Catherine. On the night of her death, she gives birth to Cathy Linton. Isabella and Heathcliff end their association. Heathcliff later discovers his wife has given birth to a son. A lengthy time-shift in the narration transpires. Edgar, after receiving note of Isabella's condition, orders for her child-Linton- to stay with him. Heathcliff has a devious plan: For his son, Linton and Cathy to marry which would ensure his entitlement of both Thrushcross Grange and Wuthering Heights. Edgar learns of Heathcliff's intention and attempts to prevent his daughter from coming into contact with either Heathcliff or Linton. Rather like her mother, Cathy's desire to interact with Linton cannot be denied and she communicates with him privately – like Catherine did with Heathcliff in the early stages of the novel. Edgar then dies and Linton is handed ownership of Thrushcross as opposed to his descendant Cathy. Following Linton's death, Cathy is cruelly unable to seize ownership because she is now Heathcliff's daughter-in-law and he, not her, becomes landlord. As he dictates the Grange he decides to install a new tenant and orders her to live with him at Wuthering Heights. Like with previous inhabitants, Wuthering Heights only serves to change her into a miserable woman. Heathcliff, rather than inflict more suffering, seems now to be more concerned with being buried with Catherine than interfere with Cathy's affairs. He tells Nelly Dean that she's haunted him for years. Cathy then forms a friendship with Hareton, which like her mother lays the foundations for a relationship. Heathcliff finally dies through his burning desire to lie with Catherine. Catherine and Cathy travel very similar paths. They're strong-minded, lively and delectable women who have both engaged in two stern relationships. (Catherine with Edgar and Heathcliff, Cathy with Linton and Hareton.) Their respective happiness, it seems is heavily influenced by the mere presence of Thrushcross Grange. As well as this, Catherine begins her life at Wuthering Heights and Cathy ends the novel there, rather like the aforementioned narrative symmetry between Lockwood and Nelly Dean. One intriguing thing is that while Thrushcross Grange brought the best out of the pair personally, it's difficult to say if it was there that they were their happiest there. Cathy must be relieved that she has found love with Hareton at the Heights after her previous marriage to Linton. And Catherine even confirmed it was Heathcliff, who she mingled with during her time at Wuthering Heights, not Edgar that she loved. Heathcliff remains the same throughout. An uncaring person, that divides two generations. First of all Mr. Earnshaw's relationship with his son Hindley deteriorates as a result and then later causes friction between Cathy and Edgar. As mentioned above with regards to Catherine and her daughter, Heathcliff is involved in the two three-way relationships. Participating in the original affair and emerging the unlucky party in conjunction with Edgar and Catherine and instigating Cathy's two marriages with son Linton and Hareton. Despite this though, Catherine who he's rightfully buried with, exposes his sensitive side, even after her death and his marriage to Isabella. Wuthering Heights Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte is a novel about passion and its many consequences. The story takes place at two completely different estates. One Wuthering Heights were the Earnshaws and Heathcliff reside. Wuthering Heights is a place of disorder. The people that live in the house have no limits to their passions and become violent. The other estate, Thrushcross Grange, is inhabited by the Linton family, people have established rules of social law and principles. In the novel, Wuthering Heights, Emily Bronte, though appearance and people, represents the two houses as complete opposites, Wuthering Heights as turmoil and Thrushcross Grange as peace, to serve the theme of the novel that only together they give the symbol of subsistence. The different appearances and decor of the two houses, Wuthering Heights and Thrushcross Grange further the dissimilar aspects of the house as well as the people who reside in each house. Wuthering Heights,† the name of the house immediately suggest that life there in not free from commotion. The word â€Å"wuthering† perfectly describes the weather of the immediate area around the house. The climate is â€Å"descriptive of the atmospheric tumult† to which it is â€Å"exposed in stormy weather. † The house is extremely prone to stormy weather for it is situated on top a hill, alone and far away from any other human habitat. The proximity to the mysterious and furtiveness furthermore adds to the gloomy atmosphere of Wuthering Heights. It is a place of darkness and dismalness. The wind near Wuthering Heights is also so powerful and long lasting in an â€Å"excessive slant† and a range of gaunt thorn â€Å"all [stretch] their limbs one way. † The wind pushes these trees for such a long time that they have adapted to its presence and sway endlessly to prevent their trucks from cracking. Because of the strong everlasting weather, the house is built sturdily. It has narrow windows that have been â€Å"deeply set in the wall† and corners that are defended â€Å"with large jutting stones. Just as the weather seems to attach the house and underlying areas, the inhabitants seems to rant inside in a similar manner. And not only do these qualities accomplish that task of describing the murkiness that exists there, but the dicor is also very influential in creating the same mood of turmoil and disorder. The house is decorated with â€Å"sundry, villainous old guns† and a â€Å"couple of pistols. † The display of firearms greatly implies the violence present in this house. Furthermore, this wretched dwelling is rampant with dogs. There is a â€Å"swarm of squealing puppies† around a â€Å"liver-colored bitch pointer. † These dogs, like the human residents of Wuthering Heights, are easily agitated. When the visitor teases then a bit, they viciously attack and the resident do not attempt to sway the attack, but merely comment on its humor. This event emphasizes the violence present and total lack of concern for standards of society the people have. Thrushcross Grange is the other hand is free from the tempestuous weather and is lavishing. The Grange is a â€Å"beautiful† and â€Å"splendid place. Life at the Grange is kept within bounds just like the Grange exist as well-planned part within the boundary of its own walls. The house is â€Å"carpeted with crimson† rugs and has a â€Å"pure white ceiling bordered by gold. † This suggests that it is a place of refinement and elegance. Books fill its walls, implying that it is a place of intellect and order. The Grange is extravagant and classy, attributes lacking at Wuthering Heights. Both houses appearance and dicor reveals the events that occur inside the houses. The people who live in the houses and the actions in each house reveal the aspect that the two houses are complete opposites and only together can exist in harmony. The house the people stay in gives them a totally different identity. For example, at Wuthering Heights Catherine is unruly. At Wuthering Heights she is a â€Å"wild, wicked slip† always laughing when made to apologize for bad actions. She takes nothing seriously at Wuthering Heights and revels in the lack of code of conduct. The house even influences her violent nature. She hurts Ellen â€Å"extremely† by leaving a â€Å"purple witness,† and after lying about the inflicting this mark she slap Ellen â€Å"on the cheek. † She also seizes her nephew Hareton by his shoulders and shakes him until he is â€Å"waxed livid. † She is temporarily stopped and restrained by Edgar Linton who is visiting but soon she boxes his ears unleashing her wrath. She is so unrestrained that anything goes. No actions have moral limits at Wuthering Heights and for Catherine when she is there. In contrast, at Thrushcross Grange there exist certain limits and rules. When Catherine first visits the Grange, she is given very good treatment. Her behavior is immediately affected for she sits â€Å"on the sofa quietly† while getting her â€Å"feet washed† and getting fed wonderful food. Staying five weeks, she takes up â€Å"fine clothes† and flattery. No longer is she a hatless little savage. † She is a â€Å"dignified† and â€Å"a lady now† with â€Å"splendid garments. † Her attitude has totally changed. She experiences what it feels like to be a lady and seems to like it to a certain extend. Thrushcross Grange influences Catherine for the better but soon Wuthering Heights takes over again. The people who live in each house become different when living in other house. Wuthering Heights Catherine: I was overjoyed at Heathcliffs return. He surprised everyone and just ‘turned up' one night while we were eating. I wanted Edgar and Heathcliff to get along now that they were older and (I hoped) maturer so I made every effort to get them talking, unfortunately neither had much to say to each other. One of the things that most surprised me about Heathcliff was that his appearance had changed; he was well built, and stockier than when he had left. I was so very pleased to see Heathcliff that I couldn't sleep as I was so excited that one of my closest friends had returned. Edgar became very annoyed and I realised I had always had an affinity for Heathcliff that could not be compared in strength to anything. As I would not let Heathcliff go, Edgar and I grew further apart, and our arguments more frequent until one day I decided that I would feign illness to see if he still loved me. But instead of coming to sit by my side, he immersed himself in his books, as if trying to forget that I existed. It hurt me in a way that I cannot describe. I felt as if the world had no meaning anymore – my husband did not love me, and I was at a place where I needed love and support most. It was only the intervention of Nelly that stopped me losing myself in a fit of passion for the moors. I decided to show them that by ignoring my feelings, I would in turn hurt theirs; I would â€Å"break both their hearts by breaking my own†. Edgar: I was extremely surprised to see a ‘plough-boy' arrive on our doorstep, only to be treated like a brother by Catherine. I was unsure what the fuss was about and confused as to why Catherine was so excited about the return of this runaway servant. Catherine wanted me to get along with Heathcliff but I knew the man when I was younger and had long decided to part myself from him. He immediately disrupted the household and caused Catherine to have sleepless nights. I saw a side of her that I had not previously seen. See seemed to talk endlessly about the old times and how they got on together. See would never talk to me properly, and when I even hinted that I did not like the fellow she flew into a rage and we would end up arguing. Heathcliff did not help matters one bit. He lay around aimlessly, preferring to watch and stir trouble if he could. I was not entirely bother by him though as anything that made Catherine happy, made me happy, and I tried as best I could to get along with him. Unfortunately, little did I know that he would cause our family to be ruined. Isabella: As soon as I met Heathcliff, I though he had a rough charm about him that I adored. I did not really know about his past, and that I did know I took with a pinch of salt, as I knew many people did not understand him. I wanted to know him better for a long time but my mother would hardly let him out of her site, let alone let anyone else converse with her precious friend. Eventually we agreed to elope together and only then did I see the real side of Heathcliff that I had come to cherish. He was an evil man. As soon as I realised I was pregnant I knew my life on the moors had ended and ran away to a place where I could start afresh. Wuthering Heights Emily Bronte was the middle woman in the most celebrated nineteenth century literary family. Supplemented by sister Anne and more renowned sibling Charlotte, she had a love for the Yorkshire moors and human passion, which are both reflected in the only novel she compiled in her 29 years – Wuthering Heights. At the time of its release, 1847, this controversial text divided many critics, and still does to this day. Many, me included, do not appreciate its content or intended objectives. Others oppose this viewpoint, stating that it's a masterpiece years, in terms of its originality, beyond the date of its initial publication. One thing does impress me in this carefully woven novel. Just as Francis Ford Coppola did with tremendous success in the Godfather Part II in 1976, Bronte splits the story into two with the future generation mirroring their ancestors, whether it be the characteristics or mistakes they duplicate there is an apparent resemblance between the old and new guard. The conflicting narrators provide both humour and useful insight into the inhabitants of the moors. Lockwood, the voice-over at the beginning, has acquired the tenancy of Thrushcross Grange and decides to introduce himself to his new landlord, Heathcliff. Their meeting takes place at the nearby Wuthering Heights household. Lockwood establishes a long-winded narrative, which suggests he is a well-educated man, but seems to lack direction. This is understandable considering he is placed in unfamiliar surroundings. Nevertheless, his landlord Heathcliff is hostile and unfriendly to Mr. Lockwood, who rather naively believes that their next meeting will drastically improve. Lockwood's second visit seems to be heading in the same direction as his previous one, with Heathcliff's servant Joseph offering no help whatsoever. However, Lockwood's visit vastly improves due to the introduction of Hareton and Catherine. The above point, to a certain extent, condemns the admirers of the book and supports its critics. This is because the story development is regarded as coherent, whereas Lockwood's improved visit is unpredictable and surprising. Lockwood displays, as he did in his original assessment of Heathcliff, poor judgement, mistaking dead rabbits for cats and in attempting to piece together the family history. Heathcliff promptly corrects him. He is invited to stay where he unravels some of the family mystique and endures nightmares as a result. Lockwood, despite being accompanied by Heathcliff to the gate of Thrushcross Grange, loses himself and increases the journey considerably. Lockwood, desperate to know more, asks his new housekeeper, Nelly Dean to enlighten him of Heathcliff's history. It is here where Lockwood hands over the narrative role to Dean. Nelly maintains this capacity for the remainder of the novel, albeit for the concluding three chapters, where Lockwood returns and resumes his role as commentator (symmetry.) The housekeeper is the complete opposite to her employer in terms of style. She uses elementary vocabulary, which is inferior to Lockwood's, but is far more effective as it is direct, relevant and essential in giving accounts of characters and their respective histories. This allows the reader to identify with that particular person and the motives and emotions behind their actions. It's revealed that Mr.Earnshaw, father of Catherine and Hindley, has adopted Heathcliff. Immediately this causes dissension in the Earnshaw ranks and both of Earnshaw's biological children dislike their relation. However, Catherine comes to grow fond of Heathcliff and the pair forge a tight-knit bond. Hindley displays jealousy. Not only has his sister changed her perspective on this outsider but, it appears that he has been displaced as Mr.Earnshaw's preferred son. After the death of his father, Hindley succeeds his father as the main resident at Wuthering Heights with his wife Frances. Catherine and Heathcliff have now established an intimate relationship, which furthers Hindley's disregard for Heathcliff. He, out of spite, degrades him by making him do intensive, boring work and isolate him from his sister by ordering Heathcliff to live with servants. Catherine, as a result of watching the Lintons at Thrushcross Grange, is attacked by guard dogs and her ankle is severely injured and is forced to remain at the Grange momentarily while Heathcliff returns to the Heights. Catherine's tenure at Thrushcross Grange seems to have transformed her into a new person. After regaining full fitness, she returns a smart lady. The example of Catherine's class elevation in just over a month reflects the impact the environment appears to have on the inhabitants. At Thrushcross, the surroundings are beautiful and captivated with fresh air, which is shown in the Lintons. Meanwhile, at Wuthering Heights, the house, located in a particularly rough region, is fading quickly. This has obviously rubbed off on Heathcliff and Hindley, who are possessive and bitter. While Catherine's undoubted love for Heatcliff hasn't diminished in their separation, it, possibly inadvertently, contributes to the eventual termination of their relationship, as she has developed affection for Edgar Linton. Catherine is given an ultimatum: Heathcliff or Edgar. She famously tells Nelly Dean: â€Å"I am Heathcliff.† This comment suggests that her allegiance with Heathcliff is unstoppable as he is a permanent part of her being, but her lust for a higher-class living and sense of security prevails. She chooses Linton. In my opinion, the primary focus of the novel, Catherine and Heathcliff's relationship captures, perhaps unintentionally, Bronte's use of symmetry and contrasts. Catherine, even before her visit to the Grange, is perceived as a warm woman. On the other hand, Heathcliff is a wild savage who attains a hardman reputation. The formation of their friendship and then blossoming romance, installs their partner's quality into them. Catherine livens up and becomes a little wilder while her elegance brings her companion's positive attributes to our attention. Due to his rejection, Heathcliff embarks on a 3-year exile from the moors. Catherine and Edgar marry a further three years down the line and live together in the Grange. Heathcliff decides to return from his absence at this point and proceeds to cause friction within the Grange. Catherine is deleterious upon the return of her true love's return. Coinciding with this, Edgar's sister Isabella becomes besotted with Heathcliff. The feeling is far from mutual, but Heathcliff, whose love is still reserved for Catherine, realises this is an ideal opportunity to spite Edgar. This fuels off arguments among Edgar, Catherine and Isabella. Heathcliff agrees to marry Isabella and her brother disowns her. Heathcliff has accomplished his sole purpose: To divide the Linton family. Volume 2 begins with the declining condition and inevitable death of Catherine. On the night of her death, she gives birth to Cathy Linton. Isabella and Heathcliff end their association. Heathcliff later discovers his wife has given birth to a son. A lengthy time-shift in the narration transpires. Edgar, after receiving note of Isabella's condition, orders for her child-Linton- to stay with him. Heathcliff has a devious plan: For his son, Linton and Cathy to marry which would ensure his entitlement of both Thrushcross Grange and Wuthering Heights. Edgar learns of Heathcliff's intention and attempts to prevent his daughter from coming into contact with either Heathcliff or Linton. Rather like her mother, Cathy's desire to interact with Linton cannot be denied and she communicates with him privately – like Catherine did with Heathcliff in the early stages of the novel. Edgar then dies and Linton is handed ownership of Thrushcross as opposed to his descendant Cathy. Following Linton's death, Cathy is cruelly unable to seize ownership because she is now Heathcliff's daughter-in-law and he, not her, becomes landlord. As he dictates the Grange he decides to install a new tenant and orders her to live with him at Wuthering Heights. Like with previous inhabitants, Wuthering Heights only serves to change her into a miserable woman. Heathcliff, rather than inflict more suffering, seems now to be more concerned with being buried with Catherine than interfere with Cathy's affairs. He tells Nelly Dean that she's haunted him for years. Cathy then forms a friendship with Hareton, which like her mother lays the foundations for a relationship. Heathcliff finally dies through his burning desire to lie with Catherine. Catherine and Cathy travel very similar paths. They're strong-minded, lively and delectable women who have both engaged in two stern relationships. (Catherine with Edgar and Heathcliff, Cathy with Linton and Hareton.) Their respective happiness, it seems is heavily influenced by the mere presence of Thrushcross Grange. As well as this, Catherine begins her life at Wuthering Heights and Cathy ends the novel there, rather like the aforementioned narrative symmetry between Lockwood and Nelly Dean. One intriguing thing is that while Thrushcross Grange brought the best out of the pair personally, it's difficult to say if it was there that they were their happiest there. Cathy must be relieved that she has found love with Hareton at the Heights after her previous marriage to Linton. And Catherine even confirmed it was Heathcliff, who she mingled with during her time at Wuthering Heights, not Edgar that she loved. Heathcliff remains the same throughout. An uncaring person, that divides two generations. First of all Mr. Earnshaw's relationship with his son Hindley deteriorates as a result and then later causes friction between Cathy and Edgar. As mentioned above with regards to Catherine and her daughter, Heathcliff is involved in the two three-way relationships. Participating in the original affair and emerging the unlucky party in conjunction with Edgar and Catherine and instigating Cathy's two marriages with son Linton and Hareton. Despite this though, Catherine who he's rightfully buried with, exposes his sensitive side, even after her death and his marriage to Isabella. Wuthering Heights Have you ever known what it felt like to truly love someone? There is lust, infatuation, puppy-love but have you ever known true love? In â€Å"Wuthering Heights† Catherine and Heathcliff think they have found true love, but other may conclude they just have a crude mix of affection, lust, infatuation and need. Cathy shows very well that she does not truly love Heathcliff. Love is when two people would do anything to be together no matter what size, color, social status or imperfection. I've no more business to marry Edgar Linton than I have to be in heaven; and if the wicked man in there had not brought Heathcliff so low, I shouldn't have thought of it. It would degrade me to marry Heathcliff now; so he shall never know how I love him† (pg. 73) Catherine says she would not even think of marrying Edgar if Hindley had not degraded Heathcliff, making him a common servant. If Cathy really loves Heathcliff none of this should matter. In the end Catherine is deciding to marry Edgar, this completely tears Heathcliff apart to the point where he runs away from Wuthering Heights. Heathcliff is being put through miserable heartbreak and when he finally returns to Wuthering Heights he takes a liking to Isabella, Edgar’s sister. This is Heathcliff’s way of bothering Cathy, not for revenge but just to get a rise out of her. If you really love someone, although you will get jealous, you want them to be happy even if it does not include being with you. ‘That's not the plan. The tyrant grinds down his slaves and they don't turn against him; they crush those beneath them. You are welcome to torture me to death for your amusement, only allow me to amuse myself a little in the same style, and refrain from insult as much as you are able. Having levelled my palace, don't erect a hovel and complacently admire your own charity in giving me that for a home. If I imagined you really wished me to marry Isabel, I'd cut my throat! ‘† Heathcliff admits that he knows that Catherine does not want him to marry Isabella, which is partly the reason he is marrying her. Heathcliff is trying to make Catherine jealous and it works quite well. Heathcliff does not truly love Cathy, he wants her to be miserable and envy Isabella like he envies Edgar. Catherine and Heathcliff’s love was a very selfish one, its almost like they used each other. They had no one else to be with, so they latched onto each other. â€Å"Catherine Earnshaw, may you not rest as long as I am living! You said I killed you–haunt me, then! The murdered do haunt their murderers. I believe–I know that ghosts have wandered on earth. Be with me always–take any form–drive me mad! only do not leave me in this abyss, where I cannot find you! Oh God! it is unutterable! I cannot live without my life! (pg. 176) Heathcliff will not let Catherine rest or move on because he selfishly needs her to suffer with him. Heathcliff will then blame Cathy and say she has broken her own heart.â€Å"You teach me how cruel you've been – cruel and false. Why do you despise me? Why did you betray your own heart, Cathy? I have not one word of comfort. You deserve this. You have killed yourself. Yes, you may kiss me, and cry, and wring out my kisses and tears; they'll blight you – they'll damn you. You loved me–then what right had you to leave me? What right–answer me–for the poor fancy you felt for Linton? Because misery, and degradation and death, and nothing that God or Satan could inflict would have parted us, you, of your own will, did it. I have not broken your heart–you have broken it; and in breaking it, you have broken mine† ( pg. 170) Heathcliff takes no responsibility for faults or mistakes he may have made, instead he chooses to blame them all on Cathy. It seems very few people know what true love is, and for those who have found it have found the most precious and wanted thing in the world. Catherine and Heathcliff think that they have true love but in reality they do not. Wuthering Heights Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte is a novel about passion and its many consequences. The story takes place at two completely different estates. One Wuthering Heights were the Earnshaws and Heathcliff reside. Wuthering Heights is a place of disorder. The people that live in the house have no limits to their passions and become violent. The other estate, Thrushcross Grange, is inhabited by the Linton family, people have established rules of social law and principles. In the novel, Wuthering Heights, Emily Bronte, though appearance and people, represents the two houses as complete opposites, Wuthering Heights as turmoil and Thrushcross Grange as peace, to serve the theme of the novel that only together they give the symbol of subsistence. The different appearances and decor of the two houses, Wuthering Heights and Thrushcross Grange further the dissimilar aspects of the house as well as the people who reside in each house. Wuthering Heights,† the name of the house immediately suggest that life there in not free from commotion. The word â€Å"wuthering† perfectly describes the weather of the immediate area around the house. The climate is â€Å"descriptive of the atmospheric tumult† to which it is â€Å"exposed in stormy weather. † The house is extremely prone to stormy weather for it is situated on top a hill, alone and far away from any other human habitat. The proximity to the mysterious and furtiveness furthermore adds to the gloomy atmosphere of Wuthering Heights. It is a place of darkness and dismalness. The wind near Wuthering Heights is also so powerful and long lasting in an â€Å"excessive slant† and a range of gaunt thorn â€Å"all [stretch] their limbs one way. † The wind pushes these trees for such a long time that they have adapted to its presence and sway endlessly to prevent their trucks from cracking. Because of the strong everlasting weather, the house is built sturdily. It has narrow windows that have been â€Å"deeply set in the wall† and corners that are defended â€Å"with large jutting stones. Just as the weather seems to attach the house and underlying areas, the inhabitants seems to rant inside in a similar manner. And not only do these qualities accomplish that task of describing the murkiness that exists there, but the dicor is also very influential in creating the same mood of turmoil and disorder. The house is decorated with â€Å"sundry, villainous old guns† and a â€Å"couple of pistols. † The display of firearms greatly implies the violence present in this house. Furthermore, this wretched dwelling is rampant with dogs. There is a â€Å"swarm of squealing puppies† around a â€Å"liver-colored bitch pointer. † These dogs, like the human residents of Wuthering Heights, are easily agitated. When the visitor teases then a bit, they viciously attack and the resident do not attempt to sway the attack, but merely comment on its humor. This event emphasizes the violence present and total lack of concern for standards of society the people have. Thrushcross Grange is the other hand is free from the tempestuous weather and is lavishing. The Grange is a â€Å"beautiful† and â€Å"splendid place. Life at the Grange is kept within bounds just like the Grange exist as well-planned part within the boundary of its own walls. The house is â€Å"carpeted with crimson† rugs and has a â€Å"pure white ceiling bordered by gold. † This suggests that it is a place of refinement and elegance. Books fill its walls, implying that it is a place of intellect and order. The Grange is extravagant and classy, attributes lacking at Wuthering Heights. Both houses appearance and dicor reveals the events that occur inside the houses. The people who live in the houses and the actions in each house reveal the aspect that the two houses are complete opposites and only together can exist in harmony. The house the people stay in gives them a totally different identity. For example, at Wuthering Heights Catherine is unruly. At Wuthering Heights she is a â€Å"wild, wicked slip† always laughing when made to apologize for bad actions. She takes nothing seriously at Wuthering Heights and revels in the lack of code of conduct. The house even influences her violent nature. She hurts Ellen â€Å"extremely† by leaving a â€Å"purple witness,† and after lying about the inflicting this mark she slap Ellen â€Å"on the cheek. † She also seizes her nephew Hareton by his shoulders and shakes him until he is â€Å"waxed livid. † She is temporarily stopped and restrained by Edgar Linton who is visiting but soon she boxes his ears unleashing her wrath. She is so unrestrained that anything goes. No actions have moral limits at Wuthering Heights and for Catherine when she is there. In contrast, at Thrushcross Grange there exist certain limits and rules. When Catherine first visits the Grange, she is given very good treatment. Her behavior is immediately affected for she sits â€Å"on the sofa quietly† while getting her â€Å"feet washed† and getting fed wonderful food. Staying five weeks, she takes up â€Å"fine clothes† and flattery. No longer is she a hatless little savage. † She is a â€Å"dignified† and â€Å"a lady now† with â€Å"splendid garments. † Her attitude has totally changed. She experiences what it feels like to be a lady and seems to like it to a certain extend. Thrushcross Grange influences Catherine for the better but soon Wuthering Heights takes over again. The people who live in each house become different when living in other house. Wuthering Heights Catherine: I was overjoyed at Heathcliffs return. He surprised everyone and just ‘turned up' one night while we were eating. I wanted Edgar and Heathcliff to get along now that they were older and (I hoped) maturer so I made every effort to get them talking, unfortunately neither had much to say to each other. One of the things that most surprised me about Heathcliff was that his appearance had changed; he was well built, and stockier than when he had left. I was so very pleased to see Heathcliff that I couldn't sleep as I was so excited that one of my closest friends had returned. Edgar became very annoyed and I realised I had always had an affinity for Heathcliff that could not be compared in strength to anything. As I would not let Heathcliff go, Edgar and I grew further apart, and our arguments more frequent until one day I decided that I would feign illness to see if he still loved me. But instead of coming to sit by my side, he immersed himself in his books, as if trying to forget that I existed. It hurt me in a way that I cannot describe. I felt as if the world had no meaning anymore – my husband did not love me, and I was at a place where I needed love and support most. It was only the intervention of Nelly that stopped me losing myself in a fit of passion for the moors. I decided to show them that by ignoring my feelings, I would in turn hurt theirs; I would â€Å"break both their hearts by breaking my own†. Edgar: I was extremely surprised to see a ‘plough-boy' arrive on our doorstep, only to be treated like a brother by Catherine. I was unsure what the fuss was about and confused as to why Catherine was so excited about the return of this runaway servant. Catherine wanted me to get along with Heathcliff but I knew the man when I was younger and had long decided to part myself from him. He immediately disrupted the household and caused Catherine to have sleepless nights. I saw a side of her that I had not previously seen. See seemed to talk endlessly about the old times and how they got on together. See would never talk to me properly, and when I even hinted that I did not like the fellow she flew into a rage and we would end up arguing. Heathcliff did not help matters one bit. He lay around aimlessly, preferring to watch and stir trouble if he could. I was not entirely bother by him though as anything that made Catherine happy, made me happy, and I tried as best I could to get along with him. Unfortunately, little did I know that he would cause our family to be ruined. Isabella: As soon as I met Heathcliff, I though he had a rough charm about him that I adored. I did not really know about his past, and that I did know I took with a pinch of salt, as I knew many people did not understand him. I wanted to know him better for a long time but my mother would hardly let him out of her site, let alone let anyone else converse with her precious friend. Eventually we agreed to elope together and only then did I see the real side of Heathcliff that I had come to cherish. He was an evil man. As soon as I realised I was pregnant I knew my life on the moors had ended and ran away to a place where I could start afresh. Wuthering Heights Have you ever known what it felt like to truly love someone? There is lust, infatuation, puppy-love but have you ever known true love? In â€Å"Wuthering Heights† Catherine and Heathcliff think they have found true love, but other may conclude they just have a crude mix of affection, lust, infatuation and need. Cathy shows very well that she does not truly love Heathcliff. Love is when two people would do anything to be together no matter what size, color, social status or imperfection. I've no more business to marry Edgar Linton than I have to be in heaven; and if the wicked man in there had not brought Heathcliff so low, I shouldn't have thought of it. It would degrade me to marry Heathcliff now; so he shall never know how I love him† (pg. 73) Catherine says she would not even think of marrying Edgar if Hindley had not degraded Heathcliff, making him a common servant. If Cathy really loves Heathcliff none of this should matter. In the end Catherine is deciding to marry Edgar, this completely tears Heathcliff apart to the point where he runs away from Wuthering Heights. Heathcliff is being put through miserable heartbreak and when he finally returns to Wuthering Heights he takes a liking to Isabella, Edgar’s sister. This is Heathcliff’s way of bothering Cathy, not for revenge but just to get a rise out of her. If you really love someone, although you will get jealous, you want them to be happy even if it does not include being with you. ‘That's not the plan. The tyrant grinds down his slaves and they don't turn against him; they crush those beneath them. You are welcome to torture me to death for your amusement, only allow me to amuse myself a little in the same style, and refrain from insult as much as you are able. Having levelled my palace, don't erect a hovel and complacently admire your own charity in giving me that for a home. If I imagined you really wished me to marry Isabel, I'd cut my throat! ‘† Heathcliff admits that he knows that Catherine does not want him to marry Isabella, which is partly the reason he is marrying her. Heathcliff is trying to make Catherine jealous and it works quite well. Heathcliff does not truly love Cathy, he wants her to be miserable and envy Isabella like he envies Edgar. Catherine and Heathcliff’s love was a very selfish one, its almost like they used each other. They had no one else to be with, so they latched onto each other. â€Å"Catherine Earnshaw, may you not rest as long as I am living! You said I killed you–haunt me, then! The murdered do haunt their murderers. I believe–I know that ghosts have wandered on earth. Be with me always–take any form–drive me mad! only do not leave me in this abyss, where I cannot find you! Oh God! it is unutterable! I cannot live without my life! (pg. 176) Heathcliff will not let Catherine rest or move on because he selfishly needs her to suffer with him. Heathcliff will then blame Cathy and say she has broken her own heart.â€Å"You teach me how cruel you've been – cruel and false. Why do you despise me? Why did you betray your own heart, Cathy? I have not one word of comfort. You deserve this. You have killed yourself. Yes, you may kiss me, and cry, and wring out my kisses and tears; they'll blight you – they'll damn you. You loved me–then what right had you to leave me? What right–answer me–for the poor fancy you felt for Linton? Because misery, and degradation and death, and nothing that God or Satan could inflict would have parted us, you, of your own will, did it. I have not broken your heart–you have broken it; and in breaking it, you have broken mine† ( pg. 170) Heathcliff takes no responsibility for faults or mistakes he may have made, instead he chooses to blame them all on Cathy. It seems very few people know what true love is, and for those who have found it have found the most precious and wanted thing in the world. Catherine and Heathcliff think that they have true love but in reality they do not. Wuthering Heights Have you ever known what it felt like to truly love someone? There is lust, infatuation, puppy-love but have you ever known true love? In â€Å"Wuthering Heights† Catherine and Heathcliff think they have found true love, but other may conclude they just have a crude mix of affection, lust, infatuation and need. Cathy shows very well that she does not truly love Heathcliff. Love is when two people would do anything to be together no matter what size, color, social status or imperfection. I've no more business to marry Edgar Linton than I have to be in heaven; and if the wicked man in there had not brought Heathcliff so low, I shouldn't have thought of it. It would degrade me to marry Heathcliff now; so he shall never know how I love him† (pg. 73) Catherine says she would not even think of marrying Edgar if Hindley had not degraded Heathcliff, making him a common servant. If Cathy really loves Heathcliff none of this should matter. In the end Catherine is deciding to marry Edgar, this completely tears Heathcliff apart to the point where he runs away from Wuthering Heights. Heathcliff is being put through miserable heartbreak and when he finally returns to Wuthering Heights he takes a liking to Isabella, Edgar’s sister. This is Heathcliff’s way of bothering Cathy, not for revenge but just to get a rise out of her. If you really love someone, although you will get jealous, you want them to be happy even if it does not include being with you. ‘That's not the plan. The tyrant grinds down his slaves and they don't turn against him; they crush those beneath them. You are welcome to torture me to death for your amusement, only allow me to amuse myself a little in the same style, and refrain from insult as much as you are able. Having levelled my palace, don't erect a hovel and complacently admire your own charity in giving me that for a home. If I imagined you really wished me to marry Isabel, I'd cut my throat! ‘† Heathcliff admits that he knows that Catherine does not want him to marry Isabella, which is partly the reason he is marrying her. Heathcliff is trying to make Catherine jealous and it works quite well. Heathcliff does not truly love Cathy, he wants her to be miserable and envy Isabella like he envies Edgar. Catherine and Heathcliff’s love was a very selfish one, its almost like they used each other. They had no one else to be with, so they latched onto each other. â€Å"Catherine Earnshaw, may you not rest as long as I am living! You said I killed you–haunt me, then! The murdered do haunt their murderers. I believe–I know that ghosts have wandered on earth. Be with me always–take any form–drive me mad! only do not leave me in this abyss, where I cannot find you! Oh God! it is unutterable! I cannot live without my life! (pg. 176) Heathcliff will not let Catherine rest or move on because he selfishly needs her to suffer with him. Heathcliff will then blame Cathy and say she has broken her own heart.â€Å"You teach me how cruel you've been – cruel and false. Why do you despise me? Why did you betray your own heart, Cathy? I have not one word of comfort. You deserve this. You have killed yourself. Yes, you may kiss me, and cry, and wring out my kisses and tears; they'll blight you – they'll damn you. You loved me–then what right had you to leave me? What right–answer me–for the poor fancy you felt for Linton? Because misery, and degradation and death, and nothing that God or Satan could inflict would have parted us, you, of your own will, did it. I have not broken your heart–you have broken it; and in breaking it, you have broken mine† ( pg. 170) Heathcliff takes no responsibility for faults or mistakes he may have made, instead he chooses to blame them all on Cathy. It seems very few people know what true love is, and for those who have found it have found the most precious and wanted thing in the world. Catherine and Heathcliff think that they have true love but in reality they do not.

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